Thursday, November 15, 2007

5 Reasons to Go Green with Lemons

Tart, bright, and shaped like a smile, the simple lemon is useful for a variety of purposes including decorating, cooking, and cleaning. Lemon is delicious in tea or a tall icy glass of lemonade. It adds tart zest to many dishes, even pancakes. Lemon is also an eco-friendly household cleanser. Here are five ways to use this cheerful fruit every day.

  1. Making Lemon Buttermilk - Add a teaspoon of lemon for every 1/4 of milk to curdle milk for cooking. I use this method whenever I make pancakes.
  2. It can be used instead of vinegar for windows
  3. The acid in lemons is very effective at removing tough stains from stove tops
  4. Using it as a drain cleaner is a biodegradable way to clean the kitchen pipes without using harsh chemicals. Drop three tablespoons of baking soda into the sink drain, then squeeze one cup of lemon juice onto the powder. It creates a chemical reaction with the soda, causing a fizzing that is fun to watch!
  5. Don't throw away the lemon rinds. Use the drained lemons as cleaning pads. Sprinkle baking soda into the sink basin. Turn the lemon skins inside out so the fleshy inside will touch the surface of the sink. Scrub away until it shines.
The natural fresh scent the lemon leaves behind is a pleasant byproduct. Add a little lemon to your cleaning routine to go green.

1 comment:

Lee said...

I love using natural cleaning techniques. You can also use lemons to remove stains on walls and tiles. It is good for removing grease and crayons.